Whuttup Ma'am

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And You Think I'm Childish...

Quick blogpost here because I have to go to class soon. I just wanted to comment a little bit on the fact that I bought CapriSuns to put in my lunch for law school because I've caught a little bit of flack for it. Yes, it is true that CapriSuns are generally meant for children under the age of ten, and it's also true that I can finish a CapriSun very quickly now (sometimes, I pack two!). However, a drink is a drink no matter the packaging (be it can, box, pouch or squeeze-it), and I stand by my decision as one of the best investments that I've mad in a long time.

And let's face it: CapriSuns are easily not the most childish thing that one could put in their lunch. Take for example something that I just witnessed while eating my lunch - a girl eating Kix cereal out of a Ziploc plastic bag. For those of you who don't remember, Kix is a children's cereal made out of styrofoam and sadness (and on a side note: Kix is an example of how putting a smiling child on your box can somehow make you a kids' cereal even though it tastes like nothingness). But truthfully you could substitute "Kix" with "Plain Cheerios" and the result would be the same: eating dry, tasteless cereal out of a little plastic baggy. What's wrong? No cut up pieces of hot dog today? The only appropriate way for a human being to eat dry cereal out of a plastic bag is with crumbs around their mouth as they haphazardly push handfuls of the cereal toward their face such that 50% ends up in their mouth and 50% on the floor, all whilst reaching out with their other hand in an "opening and closing" motion for the toy that is inevitably out of their reach.


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